My Pond

Thanks for stopping by! We created a pond in the summer of 2011, and this is our Pond Journey.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

waterfall and rock edging

One of the most expensive items in building a pond are the rocks.  We decided to find our own to save money.  Luckily we had plain tan Utah rocks readily available in our yard and in nearby empty fields.  For the more interesting stones, we made several trips to BLM land to (legally) obtain fancy rocks.  We were limited by our age and lack of strength as to how big the rocks could be.  We were lucky to find a ripple fossil that can be seen at the top of the waterfall.  I also used "blue" rocks in the foreground that were collected in Virginia on my dad's property over the years.  The flat piece of gray/orange rock at the top is our one purchase.  We needed a cover for the waterfall box, and the slab was perfect and only cost $7 at Lowes.  However, it was very fragile and I knew sooner or later someone would step on it and break it.  Ken built a steel panel for reinforcement from scrap Alex left around the house.

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